Read the rules below, shoot us an email and let's get this done.
Don't break 'em. The penalty box is no place for someone like you.
You gotta put your team in the order you want them announced. Most teams lead with their goalies and then follow by jersey number. Whatever order you send 'em, that's how we do 'em!
Team Name
How would you like the team name announced? Some teams simply want the city and the mascot. Others want the division. We just want to make sure that it's hype.
We're going to pronounce some names incorrectly. It's part of the gig. But you can help us out! Do the best job you can sounding them out and writing them phonetically. You don't have to do it for Jane, but you might want to do it for Andrea or Caroline...
Song Choice
This is your brand right here. Are you tough and daunting? Are you fun and inclusive? Is your team slogan "if you're not first, you're last"? Pick a song that suits your vibe! It's going to play at the start of every game. It's your anthem. Make it as unique as your players.